
The Covid Recovery Diet Plan as prescribed by a Nutritionist

As of January 19, 2022, more than 338 million people worldwide have faced covid – 19 and more than 55.6 lacs have died. In such a worst scenario you need to have a strong diet plan to recover quickly or protect yourself from covid- 19. Reliable nutrition and hydration are a must to tackle this disease and manage its symptoms. A well-balanced –   diet plan in covid can boost your immune system, help in metabolism and also stop the development of chronic symptoms of covid. If you are suffering from covid what would be your covid recovery diet plan? Well, you don’t need to worry about that, here are some diet tips by  Monika Manchanda  – the best Nutritionist in Delhi. It is advised that fresh and unprocessed food should be added to your diet to deliver your body essential and required protein, anti-oxide, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.   This Covid recovery diet plan will help you in quick recovery- Early Morning –  If you are a covid patient you need healthy juice before going f

Foods To be Included in Diet after Testing Corona Positive

Those positive or are recovering from covid 19, the most essential part of keeping your health is proven to be nutrition. As one gets infected with the covid 19 infections, the body’s immunity gets run down. A patient is likely to experience weakness during or even after the infection. Thus, the best nutritionist in town advises you to eat the right foods to make an easy recovery and keep your health in line. Being on the list of the best dietician in Delhi,  Diet Mantra by Monika  is a platform by Monika Manchanda. Monika is an online nutritionist providing effective diet consultation for services ranging from weight management to child and pregnancy nutrition to  PCOD nutrition  advice. In these tough times, it’s important to ensure one is not missing anything to be in the best health, include these foods in your diet If you have tested positive for Corona: Immunity Building foods: Ginger: A classic ingredient in Indian kitchens and one which holds significant value in Indian “Scienc

How to Treat Constipation with a Healthy Diet Plan

Every morning when you wake up, do you feel discomfort? You sit for a longer time than it’s needed to just free yourself from the stomach pain. Sometimes you might also feel acidic or have gastric problems. Well, if you are someone who experiences this every morning. Then let’s hear a story. One day a child asked his father out of curiosity.  A Child calling out his father – Father! Father! Father – Yes! My son. What happened? Child – May I ask you a question.  Father – Sure, why not?  Child – Father, why do you always ask me to wish everyone good morning? Father- Well, when you wish everyone good morning, you refuse yourself to have a bad day. Child – Oh, but father what if I tell you every morning I don’t feel anything good.  Father with concern asked – What happened to my child?  Child – Every morning when I wake up either I feel anxious or pain in my stomach. I don’t know what is happening to me.  Father – Don’t worry son, Everything will be okay soon.  In the above story, the chil

7 Common Health Benefits of Edible Oils You Must Know

Do you think eating foods that contain edible oils are unhealthy because fats and oils lead to heart-related diseases? Well, let me tell you that this is not true. Since we are a part of this society, we tend to believe that oils have fatty acids which are not good for health. However, the reverse is true. There are many health benefits of edible oils because when we talk about fats, the type of fats we eat has a major role to play in our human body. Many surveys state that at one point in your life, you become cautious about the intake of fats. As realizations hit you hard if you wish to live a happy life. You need to make health your first priority. Thus, fear concerning various problems overpowers your mind and you start cutting down on your meals especially when it comes to fats. However, you must know some fats are good for your health. Your body needs these fatty acids in order to function properly. While conducting a survey with many people, it is found that the majority of peop

Top 10 Winter Foods That Will Help You in Weight Loss

Determining the best, most weight loss-friendly foods on the planet isn’t rocket science, but it can be confusing. Losing weight isn’t as straightforward as you might assume. Sure, eating less and exercising more will help you shed those unwanted pounds, but that approach can work to varying degrees depending on your body and what you consume. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s ChooseMyPlate website, adult men require between 2,400 and 3,000 calories per day to maintain their current weight. Adult women require between 1,600 and 2,400 calories to maintain their current weight. There are so many short-term diets and long-term diets. Each one claims to be able to help you lose weight effortlessly and quickly. But how do you know which ones to choose and which ones to avoid? However, being ignorant about your health and choosing an unhealthy diet in the excitement to lose weight is creating permanent damage for temporary relief. Diet manta, which is one of the best dieticia

5 Super Foods that must be consumed every day

If you want to live a happy life, it won’t be hard to say that your health is your greatest joy in life. The healthier you are, the happier you will be. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic which has largely contributed to making all of us realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, what is your daily routine is all that matters. What you eat daily and what you do is something that makes all the difference in your life. Do you exercise daily? If yes! Congratulations, you are one step ahead. But do you eat healthy food daily? Thinking about how you can eat healthy food daily? Well, this might sound next to impossible. No need to worry anymore. Let’s make your life easy yet healthy. The food items which you should consume regularly are commonly known as superfoods. These items will not only help you in staying healthy but also provide you with nutrients that are much needed for your body. These foods are called superfoods because they not only prevent you from modern diseases like di